My head might be described as a roundabout, viewed from one
side. There are various bits of traffic that get stuck there, and they circle continuously,
each coming to the foreground again and again until at last they become less prominent, so they take the nearest exit and dwindle off down
the road to the subconscious or the long term memory...
I think my metaphor has become a little strained.
Anyway, one of these that has been doing its rounds lately
is a story I heard about a frustrated little boy. He comes to his Father for
“Well, what’s wrong? What’s got you in such a mood?”
“I was trying praying so I said to God please could you open
the window but he didn’t.”
Now you could have responded to that in two ways:
1. Oh cute little silly child, not understanding our big
theological concepts!
2. Ah. That’s me. Too often.
Because we come with all our little beggings and askings and naggings, when in
reality God has prepared an excellent solution if only we move off our bums:
“I have given you four fully functional limbs, and you are
young and in full health. You have all you need, so open the window!”
I have been thinking about this as I look ahead and apply to
Universities. Of course I can (and should) pray that I may get onto a certain
course, that God puts me where I should be et cetera, but if I am not actually
taking the time to craft personal statements, fill in forms, and - in my case -
practice audition material, then in many ways I do not deserve those prayers to
be answered. I need to be on my feet, opening that window to the farthest I can
stretch. Whatever pleasant breezes meander in as a result of that are what I
have no control over. And like all of us I long to taste that fresh air as I go
into new stages of life.
If my ramble has peaked any thoughts, have a stroll through
the book of James at the end of the Bible. It is full of discussion of how
faith should naturally beget deeds, and helps you to think about how to get
your windows open just that little bit wider.